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What is Syntech Advanced Smart Biofuel (Syntech ASB)?
Find out more about Syntech Advanced Smart Biofuel and its benefits.
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Why is it Advanced?
First generation Biofuels were often linked to de-forestation and disrupting the food chain as they were produced from edible crops direct from the fields.
Syntech ASB is considered to be a second-generation biofuel as its production does not disrupt the food chain or cause deforestation. It is produced from waste and renewable vegetable oils.
Why is it Smart?
Syntech ASB is a completely sustainable and renewable Biofuel. It cuts emissions by up to 93% (Defra) and therefore is better for air quality and the environment. It is a vital alternative fuel that helps reduce dependence on harmful fossil fuels that have caused dangerous climate change.
Syntech ASB is available immediately which means its environmental benefits provide a vital *sticking plaster* whilst other technologies develop.
Biofuel is recognised und the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation and the switch to alternative fuels can provide companies with a significant financial contribution to their greenhouse gas reporting through the SECR.
What is Biofuel?
2nd generation is produced from waste vegetable oils and residues including Used Cooking Oil (UCO). The process of transesterification produces FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester)
Biofuel can used as a drop-in fuel replacement for fossil diesel in all modern diesel engines without the need for any modification.
It can be used in generators, construction and plant machinery (Non-Road Moving Machinery) such as diggers and site vehicles which can greatly reduce the emissions levels currently created by large infrastructure projects.
It can also be blended with standard diesel. Current forecourt diesel has 7% bio-diesel blend. 7% biofuel-93% diesel (B7).
The higher the blend, the better the environmental outcomes.
Biofuel reduces harmful emissions such as Particulate Matters (PM2.5 ), Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are known to contribute to 7 million deaths per year globally.
What are the Benefits of Biofuel?
- Much better for the environment-Up to 86% less greenhouse gases than standard diesel.
- Lower emissions- Significantly lower in PM2.5s and Carbon Monoxide which cause air pollution related deaths.
- Quality Assured- independently tested at UKAS accredited laboratories as per government protocol to ensure it mirrors the BS EN 14214 standard.
- 100% sustainable and biodegradable- made from waste vegetable oils
- Drop in fuel- no engine modifications required, immediate emissions results.
- Government approved- Ofgem accredited renewable fuel.
- Carbon footprint-significant improvements from switching to sustainable fuels including contribution to the SECR
Still have questions?
Would you like a quote for our synergy biofuel for your UK business? Perhaps you have a question about our services in general? Whatever it is we will be pleased to help you. Just send your request and one of our project managers will be in touch with you.