Let it Go?

Time to get your jumpers out, the weather’s about change!
Happy Friday friends.
It’s that time of year, the leaves are just beginning to change colour, the dappled orange, reds and yellows of gorgeous Autumn displays are a bonus from Mother Nature before winter draws in and greys the landscape.
We can learn a lot from the trees, particularly the art of letting go. Each year they give up their leaves before re-setting and being seemingly re-born again in Spring.
I moved out of the main office and into my own space this week. I’d sat amongst all the team that we are building for ages. I had Syntech FOMO, involving myself in almost every conversation and task, never really letting all the tasks be done by the team we’ve built to do them without getting involved in some way even when I wasn’t needed. But this week I have shipped out and done my best to trust the process. I hate to admit it, but it’s been liberating and I’m loving my new space and the headspace it will bring, hence this weeks’ letting go theme.
In a world where we’re often told to hang on for dear life, let’s take a moment to celebrate the magic of letting go. You read that right! Letting go isn’t just a button on your tv remote control, it’s a superpower we should all possess.
Let’s be honest lovely readers, we’ve all been there, clutching on to something with a grip so tight that it could give a professional wrestler a run for their money. But have you ever considered the absurdity of such behaviour?
Picture this, you’re trying to squeeze into those jeans you haven’t worn since the first Jurassic Park movie came out. Your face is turning the colour of a ripe tomato and you’re attempting to summon an inner strength that only the Incredible Hulk could muster. No judgement here, we’ve all been there.
Now what if, instead of channelling your inner Hulk, you just……let it go?
Of course it would look funny but embracing the power of letting go can turn even the most mundane of situations into spiritual gold.
Letting go is a versatile skill that can be applied to many aspects of life. For example, have you ever tried holding onto a grudge for years? It’s like binge watching a Netflix series you hate just to prove a point. Surely it’s better to let go and free up space in your mental hard drive for happier memories.
Speaking of grudges, they’re like heavy baggage you carry around, you’re like a one man circus act lugging that emotional baggage along life’s tightrope walk. But what if you let go and shed that baggage becoming a carefree clown who can juggle life’s absurdities with a smile.
There’s an old saying that laughter is the best medicine, well guess what, letting go is the prescription.
Let’s not forget about the control freaks. We all know someone who just can’t resist trying to micro-manage every single detail. Picture them trying to control a small puppy, It’s like watching a squirrel on an expresso binge chasing a laser pointer, funny but futile.
Now let’s talk about technology, have you ever struggle to fix a glitchy computer or smartphone only to find out the solution was as simple as just turning it off and on again. We often make life just as complicated, clinging to problems like they’re cherished possessions. There is a massive gain to be made when you realise that most issues can be resolved by hitting the mental reset button, letting go of the stress and starting anew with a fresh outlook.
So I hope I’ve helped you realise that the power of letting go is something we can all benefit from learning and doing.
Whether it’s jeans, grudges, control issues or conflict, we’d all be better off if we were all a bit more like Elsa and just, wait a minute, here comes this weeks’ song link, Let it Go!
Thanks for reading, Have beautiful weekend.
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