New Life!

Operating, Generating, New Life, New Life
Happy Friday friends.
And a Happy New Year to you and yours! I wish you everything you’d wish for yourself in 2024. Surely there is no more optimistic a moment than the beginning of a New Year, the earth has completed another revolution around the sun and everything begins again for another year.
Just like Dr. Who we have re-generated for another crack at another year on Planet Earth and I’m kicking off 2024’s playlist with a synthpop banger from 1981 by Depeche Mode called New Life, have a listen.
As we look forward excitedly to the future, we must always acknowledge and hopefully learn from the past, and what a year last year was at Syntech Biofuel.
For all its challenges, 2023 was an awesome year. And I must remind you dear reader, the culture at Kingsnorth means that there are never problems at SBF HQ, only challenges awaiting solutions to be found.
We quickly learnt that the best way to deal with “that won’t work”, “You can’t do that” or “it can’t be done” was to answer, “yes it can”, “yes we can” or “why ever not”.
We may have come across as pushy or over exuberant but the excitement at Kingsnorth was tangible as we knew that the Syntech ASB (Advanced Smart Biofuel) we had developed would offer meaningful value in reducing emissions, improving air quality and replacing carbon fossil fuels to help halt climate change and crisis.
By Spring 2023, HVO the petro-chemical industry’s renewable diesel, was under the spotlight due to questionable and potentially unverified feedstocks from South Asia.
It became very clear that our ambition to operate under the circular economy ethos had been the right choice. The decision to only use UK sourced feedstocks meant that we now produced THE most sustainable biofuel available in the UK.
What an opportunity this represented, we could now offer construction and UK infrastructure projects clean, renewable and truly sustainable biofuels to run their diggers, their cranes, earthmovers and power generators with. Fleets could run cleaner on it, why this stuff is Liquid Sustainable Gold!
Stakeholders from Tier 1 and Tier 2 construction and infrastructure companies began to come to site for tours and visits. People responsible for stewarding the transition to sustainable fuels and energy supplies.
Good people came, engaged people and people who are committed to bringing agency to achieving carbon NetZero by 2050 with strategies and action. I cannot wait to explore bigger collaboration with them all in 2024 as we share the same vision.
Our new production site was opened in July by Medway MP Kelly Tolhurst. As part of our expansion programme it gave us increased production volumes and greater fuel security for UK constructors and fleet operators. And all through this we continued to provide renewable electricity to the National Grid via our onsite power generation
To our great delight we sponsored the British Truck Racing Champion, Ryan Smith and ran his amazing truck on Syntech ASB. We were at Brands Hatch in November to watch him win his 8th consecutive championship and are proud to be working with him again in 2024 as he tears up circuits by being both fast, gutsy, and sustainable.
The Syntech team and community grew, and so did our understanding of what the next steps of our mission look like.
So cheers to you 2023, but hello 2024, the future is looking very bright.
As long as it’s energised responsibly and sustainably of course.
Thanks for reading, have a beautiful weekend.
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